meet wury
Wury Glende is the owner and designer of Graceful Garland Co. She started her love for floral design during her years in college. She worked at a floral shop in La Jolla, California while studying for her undergraduate degree at UCSD.
In 2010, she moved back home to the Bay Area to help plant a church in San Jose. A couple of months later, her sweet boyfriend proposed and the next year, Wury had her first wedding gig starting with her own bridal bouquet!
She picked up party planning and florals again naturally as family and friends were celebrating big milestones and asked her to make fresh garlands, floral crowns, and centerpieces. They encouraged and spurred her on to make this a little business of hers, and she couldn't do it without all the loving support!
Wury is now married to a wonderful man, blessed with three adorable kids, and runs her shop out of her home in San Jose. Wury loves singing hymns, hiking with her family, testing out Food Lab recipes, playing sports, and finding the flakiest croissants & best lattes in the Bay Area.